Custom Monuments, Tombstones, & Headstones in Lebanon, PA
Phone: (717) 272-6308
Mon-Fri 9-4
Other times by appointment
5-star Google review rating

Visit Our Showroom in
Lebanon, PA.
Schedule a visit or just drop in. We have many monuments, gravestones, headstones, plaques, and more on display. Take a look around and get a feel for what you want in a no-pressure, relaxed environment.
Our staff is here to answer your questions and to provide guidance to help you make the best decision for your situation. Here, you can view the processes for our custom monuments, mausoleums, columbariums, and more.
Our Lebanon office is located on 206 E. Cumberland St. Contact us to get started today.

Our Work in Lebanon
Weaver Memorials has provided the highest quality granite monuments and headstones throughout Central PA since 1839. We are proud to serve the Lebanon community and surrounding areas, which include Annville, Palmyra, Myerstown, Quentin, and more.
Work With Us
Are you passionate about helping others and looking for a new career opportunity? Learn more about what we do and how to join our growing team of memorial counselors and craftsman!
Our History
Since 1839, Weaver Memorials has provided the highest quality granite monuments and headstones throughout Central PA . For four generations, our family continues to help families tell their story in stone with a lasting custom memorial.